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Beep Boop Bop!

CX Optimisation Agency


UI mockup summarizing the overall style, soul, and feel of the project



Departments involved

Motion Graphics

About this project

bot•hello is a Customer Experience (CX) Optimisation Agency. They empower brands with agent-driven, self-service, and proactive support and sales experiences that supercharge customer satisfaction and retention. They approached us looking to update their image to something more modern and stylistic that better reflected the work they do, and we delivered!
The project being designed in Figma


Getting purply

One of the first things we wanted to convey when we started work on this project was a sense of uniqueness to the bot•hello brand, something that yelled "original and fun" but also "serious and technologically capable". It was of the utmost importance for us to keep the integrity of their work on the path to revamping their look. We ended up landing on a purple gradient theme, with a strong emphasis on the 3d pastel icons and the dark background to contrast with all the cyberpunk-like secondary colors.
Design Styleguide
Personality Test
Atomic Design
The fun part
The project being implemented inside of Webflow


Going above & beyond!

For this project, we had to do a LOT of custom things that go above & beyond what's originally possible with vanilla Webflow (and there's a LOT that's possible). So thanks to the brilliant mind of our CTO, tons of custom-made scripts, and the help of the guys at Finsweeet with their incredible tools, we managed to check all the boxes.
External Libraries
Dev Styleguide
heating up the motors