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The Billing Virtuoso 



UI mockup summarizing the overall style, soul, and feel of the project



Departments involved

Motion Graphics

About this project

Kravia is a third-party money collection solution that helps businesses inquire about outstanding payments and keep good customer relationships. What they offer is virtually the golden mean between intelligent technology & human approach to request unpaid bills hassle-free. For this project, we had to create a welcoming and easy-to-digest landing pages, addressed to both businesses and partners, without making the design look crammed or short of professional sleek. They asked so we responded.
The project being designed in Figma


Natural Slick

The assignment was straightforward from a design viewpoint but not as easy as pie in the actual concept planning stages. We had to come up with a clever aesthetic that gave off a strong professional feel by using as few graphics as possible. Both landing pages were executed with this vision in mind, as we choose to stick with a bright color contrast, fluid transitions, and tiny pop-up animations to give the pages that subtle element of surprise to keep your eyes glued!
Atomic Design
Design Styleguide
Personality Test
The fun part
The project being implemented inside of Webflow


Natural Slick

Accounting has more to it than dry stats & numbers, so here we came to prove this! The layout we chose was keeping the main say of the original style but upgrading the general aesthetic by making it more interactive and eye-catching. We didn’t run short of natural tones to make the pages look extra inviting for new partners and businesses. Our signature move was adding cheeky animations on the CTA buttons and occasional small highlights, to create a subtle edge to their professional slick. All in all, development went down smoothly and everyone was very pleased with the two end results!
Dev Styleguide
heating up the motors